VERNUS Sp. z.o.o. was established in 2016 and it is an extremely dynamic company in the livestock feed sector. VERNUS Sp. z.o.o. produces feed additives and mixed feed with high nutrients content. A final product always undergoes an extrusion process.
An extrusion process is the most common method of raw material thermal treatment and one of the latest methods of treatment resulting in obtaining top quality feeds. Extrusion consists in crushing a raw material in order to form high pressure and automatic material heating to an extremely high temperature value.
Our products are made from genetically unmodified seeds – our products are NON GMO. We hold GMP+, HACCP, QS and VLOG certificates.
In accordance with the Livestock Feed Act, the use of GMO in livestock nutrition in Poland will soon be impossible. Dairies start producing NON GMO milk and products. The market needs it. Consumers demand NON GMO products.